Laser eyebrow depigmentation

Remove micropigmentation with the efficiency and safety of the laser technique without weakening or damaging the eyebrow hairs, without staining or leaving scars on the skin.

What we do

No cuts, no acids and no stains! The laser gradually removes the pigment, leaving no marks and without compromising the health of your skin.

The Virgin Skin Effect

is what our clients experience after the complete removal of unwanted micropigmentation.

How does it work?

We use the _nd yag q switched_ laser for micropigmentation removal, specific for this treatment and the safest and most effective for depigmentation.

We have a protocol called Orange Expel, with which we identify if the pigment in your skin could redden and treat it from the very first session.

It works like this:
- you do the laser session,
- wait for the end of the healing period (30 days) and
- returns for evaluation and to check whether or not another session is necessary.

This is the cycle that repeats itself until it is completely removed.

What our customers say


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